{%extends 'layout.html.twig' %} {% block stylesheets %} {{parent()}} {% endblock %} {% block body %} {{ parent() }}
{% if app.user.role == 'ROLE_ADMIN' %} Volver a Campañas {% elseif app.user.role == 'ROLE_TUTOR'%} Volver a Campañas {% else %} Volver a Campañas {% endif %}
{% for trivialBadge in pagination %} {% set gained = 0 %} {# Comprueba si el usuario ha conseguido las medallas #} {% for userBadge in trivialBadge.badges.badgeUserInReference %} {% if userBadge.user.id == app.user.id and userBadge.isGained == 1 and userBadge.trivial.id == trivial.id %} {% set gained = 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %} {% if app.user.role != 'ROLE_USER' %} {% endif %}
{% if app.user.role == 'ROLE_ADMIN' %} {% elseif app.user.role == 'ROLE_TUTOR'%} {% else %} {% endif %}
{{ include ('Clientes/forms/form.html.twig',{form: updateform_ajax,message:'Are you sure?',id:"form-update",with_submit:false}) }} {% endblock %}