{% set avatar %} {% endset %} {% if obj.user_id is defined %} {{ avatar }} {% else %} {{ avatar }} {% endif %}

{{ obj.content |nl2br }}

Por {{ obj.nick_name }} | {{ obj.date|humanizeDate|capitalize }}
{# No volem comptar Reply ni Comment #} {# {% if is_granted( constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityVote::COMMUNITY_VOTER_ATTR' ), getCommunityVoterData( communityVoter, constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityAction::ADD_VISIT' ), { 'resource_id' : obj.id } ) ) %} {% set _null %} {{ render( controller( 'WebelopingLanderBundle:CommunityEvent:trigger', { 'params' : getCommunityVoterData( communityVoter, constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityAction::ADD_VISIT' ), { 'resource_id' : obj.id } ) } ) ) }} {% endset %} {% endif %}#} {% if is_granted( constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityVote::COMMUNITY_VOTER_ATTR' ), getCommunityVoterData( communityVoter, constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityAction::ADD_COMMENT' ), { 'resource_id' : obj.id } ) ) %} {{ 'comentar'|trans|capitalize }} {% endif %} {% if is_granted( constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityVote::COMMUNITY_VOTER_ATTR' ), getCommunityVoterData( communityVoter, constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityAction::EDIT' ), { 'resource_id' : obj.id } ) ) %} {{"question.edit"|trans({},'USAnswerBundle')}} {% endif %} {% if menu.active == 'question' and not isComment %} {% if is_granted( constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityVote::COMMUNITY_VOTER_ATTR' ), getCommunityVoterData( communityVoter, constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityAction::ADD_ACCEPTED_ANSWER' ), { 'resource_id' : obj.id } ) ) %} {% if not post.is_accepted_answer %} {{ 'comunidad_de_expertos.label.accept_answer'|trans|capitalize }} {% elseif post.is_accepted_answer == obj.id %} {{ 'comunidad_de_expertos.label.undo_accept_answer'|trans|capitalize }} {% else %} {% endif %} {% elseif post.is_accepted_answer and post.is_accepted_answer == obj.id %} {{ 'comunidad_de_expertos.action.accepted_answer'|trans|capitalize }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if is_granted( constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityVote::COMMUNITY_VOTER_ATTR' ), getCommunityVoterData( communityVoter, constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityAction::ADD_SPAM' ), { 'resource_id' : obj.id } ) ) %} {% if not obj.reported %} {{ 'spam'|trans|capitalize }} {% else %} {{ '¡Reportado!' }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if is_granted( constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityVote::COMMUNITY_VOTER_ATTR' ), getCommunityVoterData( communityVoter, constant( '\\Webeloping\\\LanderBundle\\Entity\\CommunityAction::DELETE' ), { 'resource_id' : obj.id } ) ) %} {% endif %}
{% if obj.comment_form is defined %}
{{ obj.comment_form is defined ? obj.comment_form|raw : '' }}
{% endif %}
{% if not isComment %}
{% include 'WebelopingLanderBundle:ComunidadDeExpertos:Post/include/list-actions.html.twig' with { 'isReply' : true } %}
{% endif %}