{# This file is part of the Sonata package. (c) Thomas Rabaix For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. #} {% extends sonata_block.templates.block_base %} {# block classes are prepended with a container class #} {% block block_class %} cms-container{% if not block.hasParent() %} cms-container-root{%endif%}{% if settings.class %} {{ settings.class }}{% endif %}{% endblock %} {# identify a block role used by the page editor #} {% block block_role %}container{% endblock %} {# render container block #} {% block block %} {% if decorator %}{{ decorator.pre|raw }}{% endif %} {% for child in block.children %} {% block block_child_render %} {{ sonata_block_render(child) }} {% endblock %} {% endfor %} {% if decorator %}{{ decorator.post|raw }}{% endif %} {% endblock %}