{% extends 'USBackendBundle::baseGrid.html.twig' %} {% block grid %}
{% if grid.isFilterSectionVisible %}
{# {{ grid_filters(grid) }}#}
{% endif %}
{% if grid.isTitleSectionVisible %} {{ grid_titles(grid) }} {% endif %} {{ grid_rows(grid) }}
{% if grid.isPagerSectionVisible %} {{ grid_pager(grid) }} {% endif %} {% if withjs %} {{ grid_scripts(grid) }} {% endif %} {% endblock grid %} {# --------------------------------------------------- grid_titles -------------------------------------------------- #} {% block grid_titles %} {% for column in grid.columns %} {% if column.visible(grid.isReadyForExport) and column.renderBlockId!="id" and column.renderBlockId!="webIndex" %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endblock grid_titles %} {# ---------------------------------------------------- grid_rows --------------------------------------------------- #} {% block grid_rows %} {% set num = 1 %} {% for row in grid.rows %} {% set last_row = loop.last %} {% spaceless %} {% set gridColumns %} {% for column in grid.columns %} {% if column.visible(grid.isReadyForExport) %} {% if column.renderBlockId == "id" %} {{ grid_cell(column, row, grid)|raw }} {% elseif column.renderBlockId == "webIndex" %} {{num}} {% else %} {% if column.renderBlockId=="title" %}
{% endif %} {{ grid_cell(column, row, grid)|raw }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endset %} {{ gridColumns }} {% endspaceless %} {% set num = num+1 %} {% endfor %} {% endblock grid_rows %}